Stephen Seddon

Stephen Seddon
Kill Total2
Kill PlaceManchester
Kill Date4 July 2012
VictimRobert Seddon-69
Patricia Seddon-68
CourtManchester Crown Court
JudgeMr Justice Hamilton
ProsceutionPeter Wright QC
DefenceAlan Hedworth QC
Case No:T2012743

1990s, Stephen Seddon set up a consultancy firm which raked in £5million by falsely promising small firms they could win European and British business grants.

2000, Seddon was jailed for fraud, after his release he got a job as a car salesman, while relying for financial assistance on his parents, who lived in Sale, Greater Manchester.

2011, he was unemployed and living in a modest £89,000 house paid for by his father. He had just £5 in the bank.
Robert Seddon and wife Patricia, gave their son £40,000 in cash and bought his home to keep a roof over his head.
He knew his parents estate was valued at £230,000 and decided he wanted his inheritance early.

20th March 2012,  46-year-old Stephen Seddon, with his parents in the back of the car, was allegedly taking them out for a meal, drove into the Bridgewater canal at tipley, South Manchester.  it is thought this was his first attempt to get rid of his parents so he could inherit £230,000. But, when witnesses attempted to help, he changed his plan, and acted as the hero to rescue them. Both his father Robert Seddon aged-68, and wife Patricia Seddon, aged-69, survived the incident.

3rd July 2012, Mr Robert Seddon visited his GP, he confided in him, that he thought the accident in the canal on 20th march may not have been n accident, and that he now believed his son had tried to kill his parents.

4th July 2012, at around 5.30am Stephen Seddon left his wife Nicola, and children at a caravan Park in Fleetwood, Lancashire, where his father owned a static caravan that the parents let the family use for holidays.
Seddon went back to Seaham in his VW Passat to sign on at the benefits office.
While there he swapped his own car for a BMW borrowed from his brother-in-law, Robert Stockton Junior.
At 1.33pm the BMW was seen on CCTV driving close to his parents' home in Sale, and 26 minutes later on the same camera leaving on the same route back.
At his parents home in Sale, Manchester, Seddon, blasted at close range with a sawn-off shotgun, both his parents, it is likely they both died instantly. 

5th march 2012, The Seddon's were creatures of habit and neighbours became suspicious, police were called, they broke the door down to find the two bodies.

28th March 2013,  Seddon was charged with two counts of murder and two counts of attempted murder. He was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 40-years, 
He is eligible for parole in March 2053.

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