Penelope Jackson

Penny Jackson
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceSomerset
Kill DateFeb 2021
VictimDavid Jackson-78
CourtBristol Crown Court
JudgeMartin Picton
ProsceutionChristopher Quinlan QC
Case No:
David & Penelope Jackson had been married for 24-years. He was allegedly a bully, and used coercive control over her, particularly in the last year.

December 2020, police were called to the family home in Berrow, Somerset, following a row over a TV remote control. Mrs Jackson told officers she had locked her husband in their conservatory so he would "calm down" but that he had smashed his way out.
She then claimed that he had been acting out of character following an operation to replace the battery in a brain implant, that is used to manage a condition that caused his hands and limbs to shake.

13th February 2021, Penelope lost her temper after David had beaten her, and they had an argument about the dinner she had prepared, a gourmet meal over the internet on Zoom with their daughter and son-in-law, they argued about who had forgotten to charge the laptop.
She grabbed a kitchen knife and plunged it into him. He managed to get to the phone, while he was on the call to emergency services she stabbed him again. He was heard screaming in pain as she drove the knife into him for the final time.
Penelope Jackson then took over the call, saying: "I've killed my husband, or tried to, because I've had enough."
She then told the call handler her husband was "bleeding to death with any luck", she added, "I thought I'd get his heart but he hasn't got one".
When the call handler asked her to try and stop the bleeding she refused. 
When police arrived wearing body cameras,  she told officers "I stabbed him, I've had enough" and that she "should have stabbed him a bit more", she added "I'll end up in prison, which is preferable to my life right now".

11th October 2021, Trial starts at Bristol crown court. Penelope Jackson denies murder, but admits to manslaughter.
Describing her marriage to the court, Penelope Jackson said: “I didn’t know if I was waking up to nice David or nasty David”, she added,  her husband was often violent following arguments.
“It would escalate, and he would shake me most of the time, he strangled me sometimes and I would go unconscious sometimes.
She added: “Other times I would be semi-conscious, and I would be on the bed or the floor and if he was really angry he would kick me.”
Describing the moment she stabbed her husband she said: “I lost all control, If I had been the normal Penny, I wouldn’t have done it, I am sorry, I lost the plot and lost control.”

Tuesday 26th October 2021, the jury were told they must focus on the issues of lack of intent and loss of control when reaching their verdict.

29th October 2021, The jury returned to court unable to reach a unanimous verdict.
The judge tell the jury he will accept a majority decision.
At Bristol Crown Court, the Jury found Penelope Jackson guilty of murdering her husband David Jackson,  by a majority verdict of 10-2. The jury took 11-hours to reach the verdict.
68-year-old Penelope Jackson was handed a life sentence, to serve a minimum term of 18-years.


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