PC Adrian Goldsmith

Ahmed Otak
OccupationPolice Officer
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceNorthampton
Kill DateMarch 2015
VictimJill Goldsmith-49
CourtStafford Crown Court
JudgePaul Glenn
ProsceutionJohn Lloyd-Jones QC
Case No:T20157289
Adrian Goldsmith married his third wife, joy, in May 2014, friends say there was trouble from the start and divorce had been talked about, but, that they were looking at moving to a new house in the country for a fresh start.
Goldsmith had been a police Constable for 28 years.

Thursday 26th March 2015, Computer logs show that Jill was online looking at houses, 30-minutes later Adrian Goldsmith made a 999 call saying his wife had tried to kill him.
When police arrived they found Goldsmith near hysterical, he had killed his wife using a battery, a tin of paint and a wooden mallet then stabbed himself. He claimed she had attacked him with a knife, and he had acted in self defence.
Jill Goldsmith was found in the foetal position in the porch of the family home, having received in excess of 70-separate injuries to her head and face.

Adrian Goldsmith was arrested and charged with murder.

Tuesday 31st March 2015, Goldsmith appears at Northampton Crown Court via video link from Bedford prison, he is formally charged with the murder of his wife Jill Goldsmith.

As Goldsmith was a police officer it is protocol that an external police force would conduct the investigation, and that a court outside of Northamptonshire would be used for trial.

Wednesday 13th January 2016, Trial starts at Stafford crown court. It emerged during the trial that Goldsmith had been making notes and writing letters to his wife throughout the previous year, these almost self analysis type notes showed a very troubled man, who admitted he had an anger problem.

Monday 29th January 2016, Goldsmith is found guilty of murder

Monday 1st February 2016, Adrian Goldsmith sentenced to life with a minimum tariff of 15 years. Eligible for parole in January 2031.

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