Mohammed Sannoh, & Abdi Omar Noor

  • Abdi Noor
  • Mohammed Sannoh
Kill Total1
Kill PlacePeckham, london
Kill DateFeb 2007
VictimMichael Dosunmu-15
CourtThe Old Bailey
JudgeStephen kramer
ProsceutionJonathan Laidlaw QC,
DefenceWilliam Taylor QC
February 2007, Michael Dosunmu was shot four times when two gunmen burst into the family home in Peckham, south London. 
15-year-old Michael was sleeping under a duvet in the bedroom he shared with his brother Hakeem, when Sanoh and Noor burst in and fired a sub-machine gun.
He was hit by four bullets - one of them fatally piercing his heart and killing him.

Friday 12th October 2007, Mohammed Sannoh, and Abdi Omar Noor, denied murder and possession of a sub-machine pistol with intent to endanger life. They were remanded in custody to appear at the Old Bailey in 2008.

April 2008, The trial of Sanoh and Noor begins at the Old Bailey
The Old Bailey heard claims Michael was mistaken for his older brother who was to be killed in revenge for a murder, and a local gang dispute.
It was alleged that Hakeem Dosunmu's links to a robbery gang and the murder of one of their members, that led the gunmen to the family home
Mohammed Sanoh, 19, from Peckham, and Abdi Omar Noor, 22, from Camberwell, south-east London both denied murder.

Tuesday 17th June 2008, both men are found guilty
Judge Stephen kramer sentenced both men to life in prison, with a minimum trem of 30-years behind bars.
Both are eligible for parole in June 2038

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