Lee Anstice

Lee Anstice
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceFlitwick, Bedfordshire
Kill DateAug 2011
VictimTracey Anstice-37
CourtLuton Crown Court
JudgeRichard Foster
ProsecutionBeverley Cripps

Summer 2011, Lee and Tracy Anstice had three children, but the marriage was on the rocks. Lee Anstice was an over protective and jealous husband, and believed his wife was having an affair. She moved out of the family home in Carlisle Close, Dunstable.

Lee anstice went to live with his parents in the village of Kidlington, near Oxford.

Friday 26th August 2011, Anstice sent a text message to his estranged wife saying he was going to visit their daughter who was staying with grandparents in Buttermere Close, Flitwick.

Tracy rushed to her parent house, when she got there Lee Anstice was waiting in his car, he attacked her on the driveway to the house stabbing her 4-times, one of the blows went straight through her heart. The whole incident was witnessed by their daughter. Tracey died later that day in hospital.
After the attack Anstice drove off, later sending a test to Tracey's phone saying you can't play happy families now.

Sunday 28th August 2011, Police arrested Lee Anstice, and charge him with the murder of his wife.

Monday 20th February 2012, At Luton Crown Court, Anstice denied murder and claimed he was severely depressed and hearing voices which had disturbed the balance of his mind.

Friday 9th March 2012, Anstice was sentenced to life imprisonment with a recommend 24 year minimum term.

2015, after a review into the case by Mental health services, it was found that the attack was not preventable, but that MH services had let down Lee.  At the time of the murder he was under the care of Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, as well as care coordinator in Bedfordshire.

The investigation found that the father-of-three was contacted by the trust’s Crisis Resolution Home Treatment team just six days before murdering his wife, and given crisis numbers. When he called for help he was told his case had been closed.

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