James & Stuart Head

James & Stuart
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceLondon
Kill DateApril 2008
VictimNigel Stemp-56
CourtThe Old Bailey
JudgeRichard Hone
ProsceutionBrian Altman QC
Case No:T20077223
17th April 2008, Identical twins James & Stuart Head were upset that a council house swap with Nigel Stemp had gone wrong. They went to the house to sort out the problem.
Mr. Stemp was hit over the head with planks of wood and possibly a hammer, and an attempt had been made to cut his throat.
The twin brothers, who have diagnosed learning difficulties, also set fire to Mr. Stemp's home in an attempt to cover the crime.
Firemen made the discovery of Mr Stemp's charred body on his bed when they arrived to put out the fire.

Police discovered the front door to the flat had been forced and the sofa was soaked in blood. A bloody knife was found in the kitchen sink.
Other blood stains were discovered in the hall, suggesting the body had been dragged into the bedroom where the brothers attempted to set Mr Stemp’s battered body on fire.
Forensic teams found the fingerprints of the twins on the knife, door and lighter fluid.

28th November 2008, The brothers denied the murder charge. At the old Bailey in London.

The jury found them guilty by a complete majority, Both men were ordered to serve at least 16-years behind bars.
"You are both equally culpable," Judge Richard Hone said in sentencing.
"You each have a low cunning and have shown absolutely no remorse."
When the sentence was given the brothers were forcibly dragged from the dock, they struggled with prison officers.
James banged on the glass of the Old Bailey dock and called out: 'I wasn't even there'.

The brothers are eligible for parole in November 2024.

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