Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper- Serial Killer
Will we ever know?
Is He uncovered? - Read Here >>
The father of modern serial killing, and the one who got away with it.
Jack terrorised the streets of London in the late nineteenth century and brutally murdered five helpless women.

To date no one knows who Jack the Ripper was. Like many that followed his example, Jack enjoyed taunting the police and would send letters to the press boasting of his deeds. He practiced cannibalism and tore apart the internal organs of four of his victims. Once he mailed a newspaper a piece of the kidney from one of the victims when authorities doubted the authenticity of his correspondence.

Many suspects for this crime, including;-
Prince Albert Victor (Eddy)
Joseph Barnett
W.H. Bury
Lewis Carroll
Dr. T. Neill Cream
Frederick Deeming
Montague John Druitt
George Hutchinson
James Kelly
Severin Klosowski - (George Chapman)
Aaron Kosminski
James Maybrick
Michael Ostrog
Dr. Pedachenko
James Kenneth Stephen
R. D'Onston Stephenson
Francis Thompson
Francis Tumblety

We have not gone into great detail on this case.
In reality there is so little we know, anything around this case is simple speculation.
Was he one of the above suspects or someone other, completely unknown ?
Did he eat victims?
Did he write letters?

If you want more details there are plenty of websites giving their theories and speculation, we deal only in facts on MURDER UK.

Ripper Known Victims

Mary Ann Nichols
Annie Chapman
Elizabeth Stride
Catherine Eddowes
Mary Jane Kelly

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