Isabella Gossling & Richard Moors

AKABournmouth Phone Murder
DOBMoors -1989
Gossling -1995 
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceBournmouth
Kill DateMay 2015
VictimPhillip Nicholson-22
CourtWinchester Crown Court
JudgeMr Justice Wilkie
ProsecutionNigel Lickley QC
DefenceOba Nsugbe QC & Nigel Pascoe QC
Case No:T20157081
22-year-old Mr Philip Nicholson, who had learning difficulties, was friends with 20-year-old Isabella Gossling,  The friendship seems to have been a bit one-sided, at one stage Gossling instructed Philip to take £800 from his bank account and hand over to her.

26th May 2015, Gossling and her lover Richard Moors, aged-26. lured Philip Nicholson  to Gossling's flat on the pretence of meeting another girl they were friends with. They attacked him with Moors making the fatal blow, by stabbing Philip in the neck. while this was going on Gossling was recording the incident on her mobile phone. Philip could be heard saying : "Stop, I just want to be friends, please.". She continued recording after the attack, they can then be heard discussing how to leave their victim's body to make it look like he had stabbed himself.

30th May 2015, Richard Moors, aged-25 and Isabella Gossling aged-20, appeared before magistrates in Bournemouth and were remanded to appear at Winchester Crown Court on 2 June.

23rd November 2015, Trial starts at Winchester Crown Court of Isabella Gossling, she denied murder. Her lover Richard Moors had already previously pleaded guilty to the murder of Philip Nicholson.

9th December 2015, Isabella Gossling found guilty of murder 

14th December 2015, Gossling sentenced to life, with a minimum term of 19-years behind bars, she is eligible for parole in 2035.
Richard Moors also sentenced to life, but with a minimum term of 22=years behind bars. He is eligible for parole in August 2038
