Harold Berry

Christopher Simcox
OccupationFactory Worker
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceCheshire
Kill DateJan 1946
VictimBernard Phillips
3rd January 1946, Bernard Philips was a money lender and worked for the Refuge Lending Society.
Harold Berry posed as a Mr. George Wood, and wanted to borrow £50 against his farm Moss Side Poultry at Tarporley, which is between Winsford and Northwich in Cheshire. What happened next is unclear, but...
Harold Berry stabbed Bernard Philips to death with a commando type knife.

4th January 1946, Berry then went on a trip to London with his mistress, Irene Wynne, taking a first class train and spending large amounts of money on lavish hotels, and showering her with gifts.
Police determined that he was actually only a bacon factory worker earning £5 a week and wouldn't have the sort of money he was seen to be spending.
When police arrested him they found a bloodstained coat, a leather wallet with £22 and a new suit that he had just brought. They also found Bernard Philipps's wallet and cigarette lighter.

Berry's wife confirmed that she had seen a commando type knife in their house and had asked him to get rid of it in case their son got hold of it, and got hurt.
Tuesday 9th April 1946, Berry was hanged at Strangeways prison in Manchester by Albert Pierrepoint.
