Drew (Andrew) Affleck

Andrew Affleck
Kill Total3
Kill PlaceIrvine, Scotland
Kill DateMarch 2001
VictimTeraysa Murray, 18 Carrie Murray, 12 Amanda Cooper
JudgeLord Hardie
ProsceutionNorman Ritchie QC
Case No:

2nd March 2001, Affleck  petrol bombed a house in Sanderson Ave, Irvine, North Ayrshire, Scotland, killing 2, Teraysa Murray, aged 18 and Carrie Marie Murray, aged 12, a third woman, Amanda Cooper, died 2 months later in a Glasgow hospital.

Affleck had previously been arrested in connection with the murders with another man, 25 year old Gavin Armstrong. But, had been released to allow the police more time to investigate.

Thursday 13th November 2003. Affleck found guilt of 3 murders, and attempted murder on 3 others who managed to escape., sentencing was set for a later date to allow for reports, Affleck was remanded in custody.

Wednesday 3rd December 2003; Affleck sentenced to life imprisonment.        

2010 Appeal against sentence fails.                
