David Morris

David Bradley - Newcastle Mass Murderer
Kill Total4
Kill PlaceWales
Kill DateJune 1999
M.O.Battering / Fire
VictimMandy Power, 34
Katie Power, 10
Emily Power, 8
Doris Dawson, 80
CourtSwansea Crown Court
JudgeMr Justice Butterfield
ProsceutionPatrick Harrington QC
Case No:
David Morris, claimed he had an affair with Mrs Mandy Power, this has always been disputed. Instead it was suggested that, he repeatedly made advances to her but these were rejected. 

26th June 1999, Morris had spent the day in a pub, drinking eight pints of strong lager and injecting the drug amphetamine sulphate. He had an argument with his girlfriend and went to Mrs Power's house at midnight.

27th June 1999, Mrs Power, 34, her invalid mother Doris Dawson, 80, and daughters Katie, 10, and Emily, eight, were found battered to death at their home in Kelvin Road, Clydach, Wales.

2002, At Swansea Crown Court former scrap metal dealer David Morris, 39, from Craig Cefn Parc in Swansea Valley, Wales, denied four charges of murder, but was found guilty and given four life sentences.
The prosecution alleged that Mr Morris carried out the killings after his sexual advances were rejected by Mrs. Power. Passing sentence Mr Justice Butterfield told Morris: "These were horrific murders committed with great savagery in which you inflicted appalling injuries on innocent victims. You've shown not a trace of compassion or sympathy."
They heard that Mrs Power had begun a lesbian affair with a former policewoman and did not want to sleep with Morris.

Morris flew into a rage and embarked on what the jury heard described as an "orgy of savagery". Patrick Harrington QC, prosecuting, said Mrs Power alone had been beaten 38 times with the murder weapon. Doris Dawson was murdered as she lay in bed. Morris then set her body alight. One of the children's bodies lay on the landing. Another was found in their bedroom, still in a cowering position.

David Morris was caught after a bloodstained gold necklace, ripped from his neck during the murders, was found in the victims house by forensic scientists.

Paint found on the jewellery exactly matched paint found on kitchen units at Morris' home.
In police interviews, he insisted the chain did not belong to him - only to later change his story and admit it did. The jury had been told that Mrs Power had spoken about how much Morris frightened her, and had previously been beaten by him.
The trial judge, Mr Justice Butterfield, ruled the jury could be told about Morris's almost two dozen previous convictions for robbery and violence.
Three other people originally arrested over the murders are to sue the force for damages.

About a year after the murders, Mandy Power's lesbian lover Alison Lewis was arrested on suspicion of the murders. She was held along with her then husband, police sergeant Stephen Lewis, and his brother Inspector Stuart Lewis. All three were later released without charge.

20th March 2003 Morris lodges an appeal against his conviction.

Judge Mr. Justice Nelson spent weeks studying the papers submitted by Morris' lawyers in his defence. He has decided that there are no grounds to take the case to appeal.

4th My 2006, Morris had his conviction quashed.

18th May 2006, At a second trial, Morris is again found guilty.
The judge rules he should never be released.

2019, A campaig in Swansea has been mounted to call for the conviction of Morris to be re-examined as a mis-carriage of justice.

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