Darryll Bennett, Richard McNamara, Nicholas Garland, & Shane Liddy

Christopher Simcox
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceDunstable
Kill DateMay 2007
VictimStephen Green-54
5th May, 2007, Stephen Green, aged-54, was attacked in an underpass beneath the M1 in Dunstable by a gang of four as he cycled home. He died in hospital nine days later from a blood clot as a result of the injuries he suffered. It emerged at trial that the four had met up to plan a robbery, while there they smoked cannabis, and drunk a large quantity of alcohol.
Mr Green, from Ackworth Crescent, Luton, remained in the underpass after the beating for two hours before being found by a passer-by.

16th May 2007 Four defendants were arrested, in a police swoop on their addresses.
Darryll Bennett, 18, Richard McNamara, 19, Nicholas Garland, 18, and Shane Liddy, 19, all from Luton.
Mr Green's blood was found on trainers belonging to Mr McNamara and Mr Garland.

2nd April 2008, trial begins at Luton crown court. All four are charged with murder.

Bennett, of Eighth Avenue, McNamara of Butely Road, Garland of Bradley Road, pleaded guilty to an alternative charge of manslaughter and also pleaded guilty to conspiracy to rob. Bennett admitted a further charge of attempting to pervert the course of justice.
Liddy, of Brickley Road, denied manslaughter and conspiracy to rob,

Friday 16th May 2008, All four were found guilty of murder,
Liddy's girlfriend and the mother of his child, Allison Procter, 20, of Brickley Road, and a 16-year-old Luton girl also appeared for sentencing after admitting perverting the course of justice

Bennett, was given a minimum term of 19 years.
He was currently serving a three-year sentence for two other robberies and a theft for which he was on bail when he killed Mr Green.

McNamara was sentenced to a minimum of 15 years, Garland a minimum of 12 years and Liddy a minimum of 16 years in jail.
