Darrell Bacon

Darrell Bacon
Kill Total1
Kill PlacePoole, Dorset
Kill DateSept 2007
VictimTracey Jane Buckland-42
9th September 2009, Darrell Bacon, aged-40, stabbed Tracey Jane Buckland, aged-42, at his home in Poole, Dorset. He stabbed Miss Buckland with several knives as their two children and her granddaughter sat outside in her car.
Their two children and her granddaughter had been visiting him that day and Miss Buckland came to collect them. They were in the car, about to leave, when Bacon asked Miss Buckland to go back into the flat, where he attacked her. Neighbours heard her screams and called the police.
Officers forced their way into the flat after Bacon refused to let them in. They found him calmly drinking a can of beer while Miss Buckland lay dying from stab wounds.

19th December 2007, Darrell Bacon pleaded guilty to one count of murder. The 98 days he had already served will be deducted from his sentence. 
He was told at Winchester Crown Court that he would serve a minimum of 13 years and 122 days before being considered for parole.
