Carol Hodgson

Carol Hodgson - Child Killer
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceGuisborough
Kill DateFeb 2022
VictimDaniel Green-Hodgson-2
CourtTeeside Crown Court
JudgePaul Watson QC
ProsecutionAlistair McDonald QC
DefenceRichard wright QC
Case No:17SRO191522

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Serial Killers

2nd February 2022, Hodgson was due in court over a custody battle with 2-year-old Daniels father, Stefan Green. He had wanted more access to his son, having had little contact after Hodgson cut all ties.

That morning Hodgsons' mother walked to Upper Garth Gardens and let herself in. She found a note in the hallway which read, ‘Just ring the police Mam, don’t go into the bedroom, you don’t need to see it. I love you and I am so sorry’. There was another similar note stuck to the bedroom door. Other notes were recovered in which Hodgson admitted to taking her sons life and then intending taking her own life, in a bid to stop Daniels' father getting custody.

At 10 am Hodgsons' mother made a call to the emergency services, ambulance was despatched to Upper Garth Gardens in Guisborough. When the crew arrived at the scene they found the front door open. There did not appear to be anyone downstairs and so the paramedics went upstairs. When they entered the bedroom, they found it in darkness and Carol Hodgson lying on the bed, her mother Christine was performing chest compressions.
The paramedics then noticed Daniel lying on the bed, when they picked him up, he was floppy and lifeless. Efforts were made to try and revive him but they were hopeless. He was already dead. He had been suffocated.
Hodgson had a large wound and a number of smaller wounds on her neck and there was a lot of blood on the bedding. In addition there was a clear plastic vacuum storage bag on the bed next to Hodgsons' head. It was the murder weapon.

4th February 2022, while in hospital Hodgson was arrested for the murder of her son, when questioned by police to what had happened she replied "I don't know". Over the following weeks she continued to deny the murder claiming she could not remember.

July 2022, At Teeside crown court Hodgson pleaded guilty to murder.

15th July 2022, Hodgson sentenced to life at Teeside crown Court with a minimum term of 18-years behind bars, she is eligible for parole in November 2040.

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