Benjamin Laing

Christopher Simcox
No picture available
AKAClassifieds Killer
Kill Total2
Kill Place
Kill DateApril 1992
M.O.Shooting & Strangulation
VictimMathew Manwaring - 62
Alison Manwaring - 24
CourtThe Old Bailey
JudgeRobert Lymbery QC
Case No:
Mark Manwearing was selling his car, he advertised his Ford Escort Cabriolet XR3i in the Classified Ads.

Thursday 23rd April 1992, Pretending to be interested in buying Mathew Manwaring’s son’s car, Laing knocked on the door at 10:30pm that evening explaining he was due to come and look at the car in the morning, but was just passing, so thought he would see if OK to look now.
The men were seen by neighbours chatting on the doorstep, at some point, and for unknown reasons, Laing forced his way into the family home. He shot Mr Manwaring in the chest at close range, he then proceeded to torture, rape and then strangle 24-year-old daughter  Alison. He took the bodies into the bathroom where he dismembered them.
He then buried the remains in his girlfriend’s garden.

After his arrest Laing had admitted buying the car, but he told police that he left the Manwarings’ in 'good health'. When the police discovered the bodies, Laing blamed the Fijian Freedom Fighters, a terrorist organisation, as suspected, the organisation did not exist.

March 1993, Trial starts at the Old Bailey in London, Laing is accused of double murder, Laing protested his innocence, and changed the story at least three times he denies the charges.

Danville Bromfield aged 30, from Tottenham, north London, told the Old Bailey that Laing’s girlfriend, Sharon Thompson asked him to give Benjamin Laing an alibi, even though he had never met him. 'She asked me to do a favour, to help an innocent person who had got into trouble.

During his trial, Laing said he had been framed by Mark Leslie, his best friend, Neil Philips, another friend and Frank Cohen, a car thief. The prosecution told the jury Mr Cohen was 'a figment of Laing's imagination'.

Thursday 1st April 1993, The jury took only 4 hours to reach a unanimous verdict, finding Laing guilty of two murders, that of Mr Mathew Manwaring and his daughter Alison Manwaring.

Judge Robert Lymbery QC told Laing that he destroyed a family to satisfy his 'desire for enrichment'. He also added: 'You are a dangerous man capable of extreme violence. You are utterly ruthless. I have no alternative but to recommend you serve a minimum of 25 years.'

Laing had two previous convictions for armed robbery and deception
