Benjamin Field

Ben Field
OccupationChurch Warden
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceMaids Moreton
Kill DateOct 2015
M.O.Poisoning & Suffocation
VictimPeter Farquhar-69
CourtOxford Crown Court
JudgeMr Justice Sweeney
ProsceutionOliver Saxby QC
DefenceDavid Jeremy QC
Case No:T20187145
25th October 2015, Benjamin Field duped 69-year-old university lecturer, Peter Farquhar, into a relationship in order to get him to change his will and make him the main beneficiary, in order to inherit his house and money.
Field secretly gave Mr Farquhar drugs and spiked his whisky with Dalmane, hoping that his eventual death would look like suicide or an accident. Field, from Olney in Bucks, had driven his victim to think he was losing his mind following a period of gaslighting.
(Dalmane is a benzodiazepine often used to aid insomnia).

After Mr Farquhar died, Field started a relationship with his neighbour, 87-year-old retired headmistress Ann Moore-Martin. 

May 2017, Ann died of natural causes, and Field was accused of plotting to kill her, but was found not guilty.

9th August 2019, Benjamin Field was found guilty of murdering Peter Farquhar. Field was also accused of plotting to kill Mr Farquhar's neighbour Ann Moore-Martin, 83, in the village of Maids Moreton but was found not guilty.
Field's co-accused Martyn Smith, aged-32, of Redruth in Cornwall, was cleared of murdering Mr Farquhar, plotting to kill Miss Moore-Martin, fraud and burglary.
Field was remanded and not sentenced, the judge ordered psychiatric reports.

18th October 2019, Benjamin Field, aged-31, was jailed for a minimum of 36-years for killing 69-year-old Peter Farquhar in Maids Moreton, Buckinghamshire. He will be eligible for parole in October 2055.

January 2021, The Court of Appeal dismissed a challenge to the conviction.

January 2022, Field is now challenging the decision of the court of Appeal, his lawyers argued that the appeal court's judgment was flawed.

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