Andrew Lindo

Kill Total1
Kill PlaceHolmfirth, West Yorkshire
Kill DateDec 2010
VictimMarie Stewart
CourtBradford Crown Court
JudgeJustice Andrew Smith
ProsecutionMichelle Colborne QC
DefenceRobert Smith, QC
Saturday 18th December 2010, Andrew Lindo strangled girlfriend Marie Stewart in the upstairs bedroom of the house they shared with their two children. He then placed her in a suitcase and attempted to carry the case downstairs, but he heard noises coming from the case, so he hit the case with a chair. Ms Stewart came round, so he opened the case and strangled her again, this time with a belt, rendering her unconscious. He then took the case to the garage, when she came round this time he cut her throat. He placed the case at the back of the garage and covered it in carpet.
He then got the children in the car and drove to Barnsley to collect his lover, Angela Rylance.

Over the following weeks he used Marie’s mobile to send text messages to family and friends, saying she had run off with another man, and was very happy. He even updated her Fascebook status saying she had moved to another country with a new man.
Family became concerned over the Christmas holiday and their son’s first birthday when she made no contact, the police were called.

During this time Miss Rylance moved in, Lindo saying he wanted to get married, all this time Marie’s body still lay in the garage.

Sunday 13th February 2011, After calls from friends and family, police search the house, the body of Marie Stewart is found in a suitcase in the garage of the family home.

September 2011, The trial starts at Bradford Crown court, Lindo admits manslaughter, but denies murder. He claims he lost control after an argument when he accused Miss Stewart of badly treating their young daughter.

Thursday 15th September 2011, On the closing of the prosecution case the jury were told that Lindo will not give evidence, and not take the stand.
In her closing speech, prosecutor Michelle Colborne QC said Mr Lindo "was and is capable of practising monumental deceit".
The trial judge, Mr Justice Smith, asked the defence barrister if his client had been advised that the jury "may draw such inference as appear proper?"
The barrister replied: "We have advised him verbally and in writing."

Wednesday 21st September 2011, Lindo is jailed for life. Mr Justice Andrew Smith told Lindo he will serve a life sentence and spend a minimum of 22-years in prison for the 'cruel and sustained' attack on his fiancée, Miss Marie Stewart.

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