Albert & Tommy Willett

Penelope Jackson
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceStratford, London
Kill DateJan 2007
M.O.Ran over
VictimBalbir Matharu-54
CourtThe Old Bailey
JudgeMr Justice Moss
Case No:
The Willett brothers, who had a string of previous convictions including armed robbery and drugs offences, lived at a travellers' site in Clays Lane, Stratford.

12th January 2007, Balbir Matharu, aged 54, saw a man breaking into his van window and tried to stop him driving away. 
There were in fact two men, who turned out to be brothers, Albert and Tommy Willett.

Mr Matharu, a father of two, died when he stood in front of their car and was dragged along for 40-metres (130ft) in Stratford, east London.
Soon after the incident The Willetts had taken their Ford Mondeo to a scrapyard where it was crushed.

June 2007, The brothers were in Pentonville prison for an unrelated incident, when they were charged with murder.

May 2008, Albert and Tommy Willett,  denied murder, while on trial at the Old Bailey in London. Albert Willett admitted manslaughter, which his brother denied.

15th May 2008, Sentencing the brothers, Judge Moss told them: "The crime is beneath contempt."
He ordered Tommy Willett to serve a minimum term of 25-years and Albert Willett to serve a minimum of 27-years.          


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