Adam Davies

Christopher Simcox
Kill Total1
Kill PlaceUxbridge
Kill DateJan 2003
VictimSaif Mahmood-21
CourtThe Old Bailey
JudgeDavid Paget
ProsceutionMichael Worsley QC

19th January 2003, Friends, 20-year-old Adam Davies and 21-year-old Saif Mahmood were drinking heavily, they consumed a bottle of tequila, and a bottle of Whisky between them. 
Friends later stated that although the two were close friends, they would frequently get into heated arguments. 
On the night of the fatal argument, Davies stabbed his friend over 80-times at the flat they shared in Sargeants Close, Uxbridge, close to Brunel university, where they both studied.
Davies then stabbed himself, telling police that thieves had broken in and attacked him and his friend.

October 2003, A jury at the Old Bailey failed to reach a verdict
December 2003, A jury at the Old Bailey found Davies guilty of murder, sentencing was postponed to allow for reports.

23rd January 2004, Davies found guilty of murder, Davies was sentenced to life, with a minimum of 14 years.

2014, Davies released

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