Murder UK

We are proud to be on the recommended reading lists of many university and colleges around the world, and are regularly used by TV and film companies conducting research. We are delighted to be acknowledged in many leading crime books. We are the original murder site since 1993.

Murder UK is a site dedicated to documenting and investigating murder in the UK. We aim to be precise with facts and avoid speculation. If however you find discrepancies please contact us



Luke Walmsley

Luke Walmsley

Luke, aged 14, was stabbed through the heart at Birkbeck School, in North Somercotes, Lincolnshire on Tuesday 4th November 2003. A knife was taken from inside the school building by police, who arrested a 15-year-old boy and held him at Skegness police station for questioning. On Thursday 6th November, the 15 year old was remanded in custody. The boy has not been named for legal reasons.
